You can enjoy a range of great breakfasts with us from our full-on Sheffield version of a cooked English breakfast “The Full Monty”, to American pancakes, Eggs Benedict and bacon butties. For lunch we have a range of seasonal home made soups, cheese toasties, wraps and paninis as well as burgers and chips. And then for afters, we have an impressive range of home made cakes to choose from. Our tea and coffee are from multi award winning (and ethical) suppliers Canton Teas and Dark Woods. We also serve Yorkshire Tea (in mugs). We buy our (award winning) meat, dairy and free range eggs from local farms with very low food miles. We have a children’s menu with favourites like Heinz beans on toast and fish finger sandwiches… as well as pancakes with nutella. We welcome gluten free and vegan customers. As so much of our menu is home made we know what’s in it.. and as it changes with the seasons, we haven’t always got your favourite cake / soup in you might have to come back and try again. Although we are rarely without brownies, and people have been known to come in just for those :) You can see our full breakfast menu here. And our lunch menu here. The only way to see what cakes are on offer is by coming in. Menus are subject to change when we have events on.

We also serve Abbeydale Brewery beers and wine chosen from the amazing range at Sheffield wine importers Le Bon Vin.

Our suppliers